About Us

FabTex Industries is a prominent conglomerate of companies that has solidified its reputation as a leading player in the global textile and made-up industry. With state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities strategically located in China and Pakistan, FabTex Industries specializes in producing high-quality textiles and a wide range of made-ups that cater to the discerning demands of the United States market.

Established in 1999 with a vision of blending tradition with innovation, FabTex Industries has been instrumental in connecting the expertise of East and West, bridging cultures and regions through the threads of its products. The company’s unwavering commitment to quality, ethical practices, and sustainable production has made it a preferred choice for customers across the United States.

Large Stock Inventory Program

Strict Quality

Quick Lead

Exceptional Customer Service

Manufacturing Excellence

FabTex Industries boasts cutting-edge manufacturing facilities in both China and Pakistan. These strategic locations allow the company to harness the distinct advantages of each region. China is renowned for its advanced technology and production capabilities, while Pakistan is celebrated for its rich heritage of textiles and craftsmanship. By combining these strengths, FabTex Industries creates a diverse range of products that meet the highest global standards.

The manufacturing process at FabTex Industries is marked by precision and innovation. The company employs skilled artisans and technicians who are equipped with the latest machinery and technology. From spinning and weaving to dyeing and finishing, every step is meticulously executed to ensure the production of premium textiles and made-ups.

Ethical and Sustainable Practices

At the heart of FabTex Industries’ success lies a commitment to ethical and sustainable practices. The company places a strong emphasis on responsible sourcing and eco-friendly production methods. By adopting stringent quality control measures and adhering to international environmental standards, FabTex Industries guarantees that its products not only meet customer expectations but also contribute to a greener planet.

Catering to the U.S. Market

FabTex Industries’ dedication to quality and customer satisfaction has earned the trust of numerous clients in the United States. The company has honed its understanding of the American market, delivering textiles and made-ups that resonate with American tastes and preferences.

The range of products offered by FabTex Industries is extensive. From bed linens and towels to upholstery fabrics and industrial textiles, the company caters to a wide array of industries. With a deep understanding of American consumers’ needs, FabTex Industries provides customized solutions, allowing businesses to offer products that stand out in a competitive market.

Customer-Centric Approach

One of the cornerstones of FabTex Industries’ success is its customer-centric approach. The company goes the extra mile to understand the specific requirements of its clients and offer tailored solutions. Whether it’s large-scale retailers or small businesses, FabTex Industries treats every customer with the same dedication and commitment.

Innovation and Adaptability

FabTex Industries is committed to staying at the forefront of the textile industry. The company constantly invests in research and development to bring innovative and trendsetting products to the market. By keeping pace with changing consumer preferences and industry trends, FabTex Industries ensures that its offerings remain relevant and appealing to a dynamic market.

Looking to the Future

As FabTex Industries continues to thrive, the company remains dedicated to its mission of producing exceptional textiles and made-ups. With a strong global presence and a commitment to quality, sustainability, and innovation, FabTex Industries is well-positioned to meet the evolving demands of the U.S. market.

In conclusion, FabTex Industries stands as a symbol of manufacturing excellence, ethical responsibility, and customer dedication. With its manufacturing facilities in China and Pakistan, FabTex Industries seamlessly combines the best of East and West to offer quality textiles and made-ups that find their place in the homes and businesses of the United States. As the company moves forward, it is poised to continue weaving a legacy of exceptional products and unwavering commitment to its customers.

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(Director of Sales)


(Director of Marketing)


( Audit Manager)


(Audit Manager)

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